Advancing Research on Conflict


The Advancing Research on Conflict (ARC) Consortium was founded to facilitate the development of methodological, technical, practical, and professional resources that researchers need to conduct fieldwork in fragile and violence-affected environments. Our growing network of affiliated scholars strives to pursue methodologically robust, ethical, context-sensitive research. We are committed to creating a supportive intellectual community for those interested in conducting research on issues related to, for example, violence, contentious politics, marginalization, illicit economies, and human rights.


Our work is grounded in the philosophy that a comprehensive understanding of the challenges researchers might face in the field is a prerequisite for methodologically rigorous research design and accurate data analysis and interpretation. Moreover, given that fieldwork in fragile and violence-affected contexts can pose risks to researchers, their interlocutors, and to broader populations, preparing for the possibility of adverse events, and developing an acute awareness of the different forms of vulnerability interlocutors may be exposed to, is integral to the conduct of ethically sensitive research and to honoring the principle of “do no harm.”
